Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week of September 28

  We officially started handwriting this week. Students learned how to form capital E's and F's.  The students practiced on chalkboards using a process called wet, dry, try. Then they each received their very own handwriting workbooks!

During math time we explored a variety of shapes and brainstormed ways to describe them.  Students were introduced to repeating patterns and growing patterns.  They had a chance to use manipulatives to build their own and then describe them to a partner.  We played two math games using dot cards. One was called Dot Card Match Up.  The other was Dot Card Top-It.
 During Writer's Workshop the children continued writing true stories about themselves.   Writers practiced adding labels to their stories and writing stories across pages.  Each Friday is Fancy Friday. Writer's have the chance to fancy up their stories by adding color.

Did you know we started our job chart ?  Each Monday students are assigned a job for the week. Jobs include line leader, supply helper, calendar helper, attendance and lunch count, messenger, light switcher, number of the day helper, and lunch basket carrier.  Asking your child about their job for the week is always a good way to start a conversation about their day.

I arrived at music class a little early on Monday and was able to hear the students practicing rhythms with instruments.  They were playing along to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed."

To end the week, we combined math and art to make symmetrical butterflies.  The students made two.  One to bring home and one to hang in the hallway.

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