What time does school start and end?
School starts at 8:20.  Playground supervision begins at 8:05. 
School ends at 3:05. 

Will my child have recess everyday?
 Your child will have outdoor recess everyday weather permitting.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.  

How many snacks should I pack?
Snack time is offered twice a day.  Please send a healthy snack and beverage with your child daily.  Milk is no longer available during snack times in kindergarten.
If there is a child in the classroom with a nut allergy, the teacher may request your support in keeping snack time peanut-free.  Lunch time is NOT peanut-free.

Can my child bring toys to school?If necessary, your child can bring in one small stuffed animal to keep in their cubby or backpack as a security or comfort object.   Toys tend to get lost and/or broken at school and can be a distraction for some children.  

What is the policy for birthdays? We will celebrate every child's birthday in kindergarten.  Whether it happens over a weekend, holiday, or summer vacation each child's special day will be recognized.   On or around the birthday, families will be invited to read a book to the class.  Your child will bring home a card signed by all his/her classmates.  

Will you pass out birthday invitations for my child's birthday?
We do not pass out birthday invitations at school.

Do you have volunteers in your class?
Absolutely.  Typically, I start having volunteers in my class around the beginning of November.  It is most helpful to have volunteers who can come with a consistent schedule, either once a week or biweekly.  

What will I be doing when I come in to volunteer? It depends.  Here are some volunteer opportunities:
Writer's workshop--Helping children sound out words, come up with ideas, construct stories, form letters, etc.
Reader's Workshop--Listening to children read stories and encouraging them to use reading strategies when stuck on a word 
StationsHelp children who are working independently at stations

What do I do if I need to change my child's after school arrangements?If you would like to change your child's after school arrangements send in a note with specific instructions.   For your convenience  you will receive a packet of bus notes at the beginning of the school year.   You should fill that in with as much information as you can.  If you run out more notes are available in the Rowe Office.  If you need to make a last minute change call the office.  Do not send an email.   I cannot guarantee that I will have time available during the school day to check my email.

What time will the bus pick up/drop off my child?
This obviously varies and I do not have this information.  Any bus questions should be directed to Bruce Bickford at the bus garage.

What should my child wear to school?
We do not have a dress code, however, it is important that your child come to school prepared for all weather conditions.  We go outside all year long and in all types of weather including light rain, snow, and heat.  So dress in layers when necessary and send in all appropriate gear everyday.  It is recommended that your child wear (or bring when weather isn't permitting) sneakers everyday.  Other footwear may be unsafe and/or impede some of the daily activities we do.

How do I pay for lunch? 
Below is the link to the school nutrition webpage that has payment options and directions. 


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