Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week of October 12-October 16

The children came back from their long weekend well rested and ready to learn.

We kicked off our new writing unit, Looking Closely. This unit has the children observing, labeling, and listing like scientists.  On Wednesday we went for a nature walk and 
found a variety of items to write about.  We have also been observing our plants and drawing them in our science journals.  On Friday, we found Twistables in the mystery bag. These will be a special writing tool for this unit.  

During Reader's Workshop readers learned different ways to read with partners. Partnerships practiced echo reading, choral reading, and taking turns. We also read rhyming books and sang rhyming songs. On Monday we will make rhyming monsters.  

Students have learned three sight words, the, see, and can.  

Mathematicians developed their understanding of addition and subtraction by solving pocket problems.  They also practiced sorting and classifying objects in different ways.  On Friday we went for a shape walk through the school and found lots of circles and triangles throughout the building.  Shapes are EVERYWHERE!  

This week we began work stations. Throughout the week there are four stations which students work at in pairs or small groups. At the beginning of the year the stations include play areas. This helps me to introduce the students to the concept of stations and to new materials in the classroom. Students also learn a lot through play. As the year progresses the stations will become more academic but still lots of fun.  The number will also increase to eight stations and students will complete two a day.  (We usually complete work stations four days a week.) 

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