Sunday, December 6, 2015

November 30- December 4

During the month of December our social studies unit focuses on holidays around the world.  We focus on the common theme of light.  Some of the holidays we discuss are Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and St. Lucia Day.  We will be reading books, singing songs, and creating art activities about traditions.

 I am looking forward to seeing your handprint projects and learning about everybody's family traditions.  If you have a special tradition you would like to teach the class about, please let me know. This week Cecilia's mother will be visiting to teach us about Christmas in Italy.  

At Rowe school we have two kindergarten traditions in December which I love.   One is to build and decorate gingerbread houses.   The other is our performance based on Jan Brett's Gingerbread Baby.  Our performance is on December 17 in our classroom.  No costumes are needed.  We will making special headbands at school.   

Can you believe that our gingerbread man, Ginger, ran away?  Mrs. Cote let us know she saw him run out the door with a book of maps.  Sounds like he is planning quite a trip! Rumor has it that he has been spotted in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.  He has plans to travel as far away as Hawaii with stops in Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, and Louisiana.  Thank you to everyone who has reached out to friends and family members to help with this activity.  I am excited to see where he travels!

My bookshelf is full of books about gingerbread characters.
Here is a list of books we have read so far:

Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett.
The Gingerbread Man retold by Jim Aylesworth
The Gingerbread Man  retold by Karen Schmidt
The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School by Laura Murray
The Gingerbread Man Goes to School by Joan Holub
The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell Ernst

We have been discussing the different characters, settings, endings, and refrains in each of the different versions.

We are in the process of wrapping up our pattern book writing during Writer's Workshop and are publishing books for our classroom library.  On Thursday, students wrote rough drafts of  pattern books.  They made revisions and then handed them in.  I typed each book up and the students will illustrate them.  We will read them to our first grade buddies next week.  After the winter break we will be revisiting personal narratives.

During Reader's Workshop we have been discussing setting.  I have been encouraging students to notice where the stories they are reading are happening.  When you are reading aloud at home you can ask your child about the setting.  Before reading look at the cover and ask them to make a prediction about where the story takes place.  Ask them what clues they see.   During read them check in about the setting.

During math, mathematicians have been learning about teen numbers, ten frames, and different ways to make hexagons.  The also explored calculators.

Mrs. Gross visited on Tuesday to teach us about telling in and telling out.  Telling in is when you are telling to get someone in trouble, while telling out is telling to get somebody out of trouble.  She discussed strategies for working out little problems on their own.

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